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I miss the Bustle

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  • Replies: 158
Here is the situation, I am not able to leave my house to work. That is the simple problem living in this situation.

While others my age swanned off to university, clubbing the nights away and getting away from their parents; I stayed safely...

Creator's Thread

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  • Replies: 154
I know that there are a lot of varied interests and talents here in the autism community, and I'm pretty sure that there'll be a lot of creative projects included in that so I think we should support and promote each other's creations here in this...

Covid vaccine

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  • Replies: 111
How does everyone feel about the Coronavirus vaccine? Are you looking forward to getting it or are do you have any fears or apprehensions about it?

Neurodiversity Celebration Week Blogathon

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  • Replies: 13
As part of Neurodiversity Celebration Week we are staging a Blogathon on our forum (you can post now) - a chain of simple introduction or a straightforward accounts of neurodiverse experience from neurodivergent people and neurotypical allies. It could...

Autistic strengths

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  • Replies: 50
I came across a few attempts to focus on strengths, but is usually doesn't get much further than attention to detail and hyper-focus. We don't normally describe having really strong arms as the key strength of wheelchair users, so why focusing on...

Electronic Design

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  • Replies: 18
I spend all my time designing things electronic and trying to keep up with the need to learn the programming required. Currently I am biting my teeth on ARM based micro controllers.